Create a wellbeing plan

A wellbeing plan reminds us of practical ideas to boost our mood, so we’re in a better place to cope with challenges. Keep your wellbeing plan somewhere handy, like in the Stay Alive app or written down in your wallet so it’s where you need it.  

Get some headspace  

Just ten minutes away from the noise around us or in our heads can make a big difference. Pick places you feel you can breathe and discover simple and effective techniques to find calm amongst the chaos.  

Try not to compare yourself 

We all compare ourselves to others at times, particularly if we’re feeling low. Social media can paint a rosy picture of people’s lives so do remember other people’s lives aren’t usually quite as we imagine them.   

If you find scrolling on social media makes you feel worse, try to put the phone down and do something for you instead.  

Keep in touch with family or friends 

Just a short friendly chat can help, on the phone, in person or on a video call. Listening to other people can help to switch our mind away from how we’re feeling too.  If keeping in contact with friends or family is difficult or we feel lonely, the NHS Every Mind Matters website offers some good advice.   

Make new connections 

Joining a group or club can create new connections around a shared interest, making it easier to start conversations.  It doesn’t have to be face-to-face. Virtual clubs, online classes and online communities can offer support and connections. 

Discover activities groups and meetings where you live with: 

Do things for you 

It’s easy to forget about the things we enjoy doing, particularly following a break-up, bereavement or change in our lives that means we’re feeling hurt or sad. Filling our time with things that make us happy can really help. Whether it’s enjoying nature, listening to podcasts, making something, or just enjoying a film or new TV series.  

Plan interesting meals and eat regularly 

Eating regularly and enjoying our meals has a huge impact on our mood. Try to plan ahead and if your mood dips, check if you have eaten a good meal recently.  

Stay supported  

There is always someone to talk to.  There’s no judgement, it’s confidential and someone is listening 24 hours a day: 

  • Call Connection on 0800 652 0190 

  • Call Samaritans on 116 123 or email 

  • Text 'SHOUT' to 85258