Public Health Dorset to publish weekly local COVID-19 updates - Public Health Dorset
Public Health Dorset to publish weekly local COVID-19 updates
With local agencies now playing a lead role in identifying and responding to local coronavirus outbreaks, we at Public Health Dorset have begun publishing weekly updates on our website to keep residents informed of the latest COVID-19 situation in the county.
The updates will include the number of cases in both the Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council areas over the latest 7-day period, the latest local case rates in comparison to regional and national rates, the position on key settings like care homes and schools, as well as any other key information and reminders about social distancing measures.
We work with colleagues across the Dorset health and care system and at Public Health England to monitor the data and spot any early warning signs of a rise in cases. The work is overseen by a new COVID Health Protection Board, which is chaired by the Director of Public Health.
The Board is working closely with businesses and organisations across Dorset in various sectors such as care, tourism, hospitality and manufacturing to make sure preventative measures are in place to keep the public safe.
Rachel Partridge, Assistant Director of Public Health, said: “We are working really hard to respond to COVID-19 across our area. As part of our work with Local Outbreak Management plans, we want to keep residents informed about what’s happening in Dorset and any actions that need to be taken.”
"I want to thank everyone for your continued hard and patience around observing social distancing, really good hand hygience, wearing face coverings and getting a test if you are becoming symptomatic with symptoms of COVID-19."