System Insights

Effecting change isnā€™t getting any easier. Our insights-based approach to the Dorset JSNA is an attempt to develop a more complete view of the challenges and opportunities for effecting improvements to population health. Weā€™ll use this to develop a better shared-understanding of what we are trying to achieve as a system and identify and fill critical knowledge gaps. This will make it easier for others to understand how your work impacts their programmes and for you to understand how their programmes might impact your work.

In the map below, the System Outcomes (blue) are the high level outcomes for the Integrated Care System (ICS). The System Services (green) is where our workforce across the councils and the NHS are trying to make a difference. The Systems Resources (yellow) are the supply of money, materials, staff and assets to function effectively. 



Systems insights ā€“ panel process

System insights - panel process
Panel Scoping session Systems workshop Triangulation workshop Insights delivered Knowledge gaps Web page
Alcohol Misuse  7 July 2019  23 October 2019  28 November 2019      3 February 2020
Food Insecurity 16 April 2019 18 April 2019 ? May 2019

System: v1.0 15 August 2019

Strategic: not yet

Tableau Dashboard 15 August 2019 15 August 2019
SEND  24 July 2019  22 August 2019  2 September 2019      
Falls Prevention  19 July 2019  12 November 2019  19 November 2019      
Emergency Departments  15 July 2019  20 August 2019  10 September 2019      

Systems Insight Panels to be planned

  • Acute Care
  • Adult Social Care
  • Children Social Care
  • Education and Training
  • Employment and Economy
  • Environment and Place
  • Housing
  • Mental Health
  • Planning
  • Primary Care
  • Transportation