Needle exchange

To support delivery of these services, providers can request an initial visit from a representative of Public Health Dorset, the relevant local authority, or a treatment provider to advise on setting up the service and to give practical advice on how the needle exchange transaction can take place within the location.


Key documents for service delivery

Why is it important?

Supervised consumption services play a crucial role in providing care for individuals who use substances. By supporting people throughout their treatment journey, these services contribute significantly to improving health outcomes. The following key points highlight their importance:​

  • Life-Saving Support: Supervised consumption services are instrumental in preventing accidental deaths due to overdose. By providing a safe and controlled environment for substance use, they reduce the risk of fatal incidents.​

  • Client Support: Healthcare providers actively engage with individuals during their treatment. Their guidance and monitoring help clients adhere to treatment plans, leading to better health outcomes.​

  • Community Hubs: Pharmacies, act as accessible community hubs, and are well-positioned to deliver high-impact services, including supervised consumption, within local communities.​

  • At the end of April 2024 there were 482 people on supervised consumption across the Pan-Dorset area. That is split 344 in BCP area and 138 in Dorset Council area.​

What training is needed?

The commissioner recommends the four e-learning modules on “Substance use and misuse” to demonstrate competence according to this framework, which can be downloaded from the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) website.


How do providers submit a claim?

  • providers using PharmOutcomes should use the relevant needle exchange templates within these systems as outlined in the service specification.
  • providers using PharmOutcomes can watch this short video which provides instructions on how to complete templates for needle exchange.

How do providers order needle exchange equipment?

Before ordering any needle exchange equipment providers should notify the commissioner of their intention to commence service delivery. 

Dorset Council and BCP Council providers

The equipment required to deliver this service can be ordered from Vernacare (Frontier). Orders should be placed before midday on a Monday following the process outlined below:

  1. email Verna Group (state the provider name, delivery address and a contact telephone number, and the quantity of stock required including order codes)
  2. the Verna Needle Exchange Sales team will confirm the order by email
  3. packs are provided in cartons of 25 or 50 packs and the supplier is normally able to deliver within 3 to 4 working days

The current order codes for the cartons are as follows:

  • X034 for 50 red packs
  • X035 for 25 red packs
  • X114A for 50 blue packs
  • X218 for 25 blue packs

How to arrange needle exchange waste disposal

The bin currently recommended is the yellow 30 litre container. It is recommended that the provider has several bins available at any one time.

Arrangements are in place for a contracted waste collection provider to collect and dispose of full sharps containers. The provider is required to oversee these collections and ensure that only full bins are taken by the waste collection service. 


Dorset Council providers

Providers ordering bins for the disposal of injecting equipment for the first time need to be set up on the PHS supplier system and should email who will set this up on your behalf.

Bins can be ordered from the PHS waste collection service and by emailing PHS customer service with the providing location's full address and postcode.


BCP Council providers

Providers ordering bins for the disposal of injecting equipment for the first time need to be set up on the PHS supplier system and should email Karen Wood at BCP Council who will set this up on your behalf.

Bins can be ordered from the PHS waste collection service and by emailing PHS customer service with the providing location's full address and postcode.


Where are needle exchange points?

A list of needle exchange locations in Dorset.


Other resources


Related links