Emergency Hormonal Contraception

Key documents for service delivery

Emergency Hormonal Contraception Service Specification 2024/25

Levonorgesterol PGD

Ulipristal Acetate PGD

The Public Health Dorset PGDs for Levonorgestrel and Ulipristal Acetate, version 7, expired on 31 December 2024. The latest versions have been developed and are pending final sign off from PGD authorised signatories. Pharmacy providers should continue to use version 7, for which the expiry dates have been extended until 1st March 2025, until such time that both PGDs, version 8, are available and shared with you.


Why is it important to provide EHC?

Teenage conceptions in the Dorset Council area continue to fall and remain below the England and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council area rate​. However, in BCP teenage conception rates have been stable since 2018 and potentially show a slight rise in 2021 (similar to England)​.

Although the numbers of conceptions have decreased over time, the percentage ending in abortion in under 18s has increased both locally and nationally. Repeat abortions in women under 25 have also shown a slight increase recently (national trend)​.

What training is needed?

The information below is a summary of the main training requirements to deliver this service. For more detailed information please see the EHC service specification.


How do providers submit claims?

  • providers using PharmOutcomes should use the relevant EHC templates as outlined in the service specification
  • providers using PharmOutcomes can watch this short video for instructions on how to complete EHC templates

Further information and guidance

Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Clinical Guidance: Emergency Contraception (March 2017, amended May 2023).