Public sector agencies working together to keep public safe and informed

A raft of emergency services and public agencies are continuing to work together to keep the public safe and informed during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. 

In March, the Dorset Local Resilience Forum (LRF) declared a major incident to ensure all agencies work together more effectively during a time when many were facing reduced staffing levels and an increase in demand.

A wide range of emergency services make up the LRF including Dorset Police, British Transport Police, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency. Other key agencies include Dorset Council, BCP Council, NHS England (South West), NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group, Public Health England (South West), Highways  England, Environment Agency, The Met Office and Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government. 

A number of other responders and voluntary groups also support the LRF.

The LRF is chaired by Chief Constable James Vaughan. He said: “We are facing an unprecedented public health situation in this country and it’s imperative at times like these for public sector agencies and partner organisations to work together to deal with this challenge.

“By declaring the COVID-19 pandemic as a major incident so early on, it enabled us to put in place clear structures and mechanisms for multi-agency working. We have been utilising our tried and tested resilience plans to ensure we have been able to keep the public safe and well informed.”

A series of meetings are held Monday to Friday each week in Dorset, including a Strategic Coordination Group chaired by Chief Constable James Vaughan, Tactical Coordination Group, National LRF call and Contingency Planning Sub-Group.

Published on:
04/05/2020, 00:00