Suicide help

If you are struggling now or worried about someone else 

Free and confidential support is available 24 hours a day, there is always someone to talk to. 

  • Call NHS Connection, Dorset's mental health helpline, on 0800 652 0190
  • Text SHOUT to 85258
  • Call Samaritans on 116 123 or email 

If your or someone's life is in danger, call 999 immediately.


If you or someone else is approaching crisis point

Get support with:

Download the Stay Alive app to keep local support information, guidance to help stay safe and your own safety and wellness plans in one convenient place, or visit the Stay Alive website.


If you need less urgent support 

Do tell your GP practice how you are feeling. Watch this video for expert tips on how to start the conversation with your GP practice

If you want to, refer yourself for talking therapies visit the Steps2Wellbeing website

Create a wellbeing plan to boost your mood so you’re in a better place to cope with challenges.


What to expect when asking for help 

Watch these short videos to find out what it’s like to: 
Call the Samaritans
Text Shout to 85258
Visit the Retreat

Bereavement by suicide support

Please do not struggle alone. Bereavement by suicide is different from any other kind of bereavement, bringing an unfamiliar intensity and range of emotions. Visit Dorset HealthCare to find bereavement support here in Dorset and from national organisations.

How to talk about suicide

Advice on how to start a conversation about your or someone else’s suicidal thoughts and suggested language to use. 
Spend 20 minutes learning more on how to have a potentially life-saving conversation

Our language matters when we talk to someone about their suicidal thoughts or about someone who has died by suicide, try saying: 

  • Taken, died by or ended their own life instead of committed suicide 
  • At risk of suicide instead of is suicidal  
  • The name of the person who has died instead of the victim 

Children's mental health