Key documents
Smoking Cessation Service Specification 2024/25
Why is it important?
Smoking remains the single greatest preventable cause of death in the UK.
Smoking remains the leading cause of health and social inequalities.
Smokers who get the right support are up to 3 times more likely to quit smoking.
Smoking cessation training requirements
The information below is a summary of the main training requirements. For more detailed information please see the smoking cessation service specification.
- all staff providing the smoking cessation service must have successfully completed the online National Centre for Smoking Cessation Training’s (NCSCT) Practitioner Training Programme and assessment module and the NCSCT Vaping: a guide for healthcare professionals’ module
- the online training and assessment takes 4-6 hours to complete. This is designed to be flexible, meaning staff do not need to complete the learning in one go and can log in and out as required
- upon completion of the training, staff will be certified Stop Smoking Practitioners
- staff may choose to complete additional NCSCT modules to support delivery of this service, including:
How to order smoking cessation equipment
CO monitoring machines and mouth pieces can be ordered from these companies:
MD Diagnostics Ltd:
- email:
- phone: 01622 682686
Bedfont Scientific:
- email:
- phone: 01622 851122
- email:
- phone: 0800 028 2194 or 01732 522 444
How to submit a claim
- providers using SystmOne are required to download, complete and submit the Smoking Cessation Excel Reporting Template 2024/25
- providers using PharmOutcomes should use the relevant smoking cessation templates within these systems as outlined in the service specification
- providers using PharmOutcomes can watch this short video for instructions on how to complete smoking cessation templates
Useful resources
- Instructional video to share with clients - how to use e-cigarettes
- Fraser Competencies Guidance and Form – Smoking Cessation
- ASH – Action on Health and Smoking
- British Medical Association – E-cigarettes guidance for GPs
- NCSCT - electronic cigarettes: a briefing for stop smoking services
- NCSCT Vaping: a guide for healthcare professionals
- Office for Health Improvement and Disparities – E-cigarettes and vaping: policy, regulation and guidance
- LiveWell Dorset Contact My Patient
- NHS Better Health quit smoking
- NICE guidance - Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence
- Smoking Cessation service FAQ from October 2024 Lunch and Learn