Could you inspire people to quit smoking?

For many people, quitting smoking can be a daunting experience. They may have tried many times before or have always wanted to quit or cut down, but haven’t been able to make that change.

This is why we, along with our health improvement service LiveWell Dorset, are looking for people who have recently quit or are thinking of quitting smoking to front a new tobacco campaign and inspire others to take those steps.

The campaign, which will take place in January and follows on from a successful campaign we ran at the start of this year, aims to empower people to quit smoking by making a pledge online and being offered support from LiveWell Dorset and local smokestop services.

If you’re between 30 and 45 and would like to quit smoking and inspire others to to do the same, you can get involved in any of the following ways:

  • appear on social media artwork
  • be filmed along with other people involved for video content to be used on social media channels
  • help to spread the messages about the campaign on social media and to family or friends
  • write a blog throughout January about you experience of quitting smoking.

If you would like to help inspire others to quit smoking or cut down, or if you’d like more information, contact Paul Compton, senior communications officer at Public Health Dorset, at

Here’s a short video of people involved in the last campaign…

Published on:
24/11/2015, 15:38